Selecting the Right Print Partner

Questions to ask when comparing print suppliers

You can reduce your costs by choosing the right partner for printing.

But cost-effectiveness isn’t everything. You and your business will determine which are the most important.

We have over 120 years of experience in the printing industry and know how to get the most out of your print partner.

Compare print suppliers using these ten questions and make an informed decision that suits your business.

Price: Do You Offer Consistent National Pricing

Look out for:

  • Pricing is consistent throughout the country
  • volume discounts,
  • Price variations are based on service speed and quality.
  • Pricing for services like pre-printing, inventory, and pick and package

An effective price comparison looks at more than just one dollar amount. Make sure you understand the price ranges well and compare them.

QUALITY: What responsibility do you accept for the quality of our prints

Two categories of quality considerations exist:

1. Quality of the finished print product – Does the supplier meet your standards for quality?

Verify that the printer can print according to your specifications. This includes color management, paper type, and printing methods. Keep in mind that quality and cost are usually linked.

2. Quality Control – Does your supplier consistently deliver identical quality prints?

Accountability is a critical factor in the printing process. It ensures that every print collateral piece is delivered according to the agreed standards.

Speed: Can you meet tight deadlines

Every business will face a speed issue, even if it doesn’t affect every project.

It would help if you found a printer with suitable systems and delivery capabilities to meet your tight deadline.

It would help if you had a printer to meet your tight deadlines.

NATIONAL FOOTPRINT: Do you cover the national requirements with your footprint

Your brand’s consistency can be compromised if you work with several print suppliers to meet local and national requirements.

This risk can be eliminated by partnering with a print provider who provides national solutions, local contacts, and centralized brand control.

You can also streamline your printing requests to achieve cost savings.

KNOWLEDGE: How many years of print experience have you had

Printing is a specialist trade. It requires expert knowledge.

A good printer has the infrastructure in place to meet your needs.

The best printers can deliver on your needs and guide and shape them.

They will also have an established, extensive network that can offer cost-effective printing for any size project.

APPROACH: Does your approach involve a partnership

Print collateral is an integral part of your branding. You need to get this right.

It would help if you found a supplier of print who shares your passion for print assets.

Your print supplier will identify your needs and find the best solution. They will educate you, provide expert insight, and assist in innovation to achieve the best results.

Full-service print suppliers, who can see the big picture, can customize their offer and become your one-stop print shop.

CAPABILITY: What’s your total printing capability

You’ll need to find a supplier to handle your diverse print needs or those at scale. You will need to take into consideration the following:

1. Product range

a) Does the company offer a wide range of products?

Can they guarantee each product is produced according to your specifications?

2. Scale

What is the print capacity of your printer?

Can they handle not small print projects and national rollouts as well?

ORDERING PROCESS: “Is the ordering process easy to understand and follow

Complex ordering processes are only helpful to some. A supplier who can provide a simple, streamlined order process that is easy to manage on a national or local level will be the best choice. Learn more:

What technology does the printer use to process and manage orders?

If they have a central place where they can store your brand colors, fonts, and relevant specifications, as well as artwork,

What governance and control measures are in place to ensure the consistency of the brand?

Your business will benefit from a fast and efficient order process with in-house quality control.

DESIGN OFFERING: Can you handle my design work

The design process is an integral part of the printing process. It makes sense to consolidate your design and printing needs with a single provider if you need the design capability within your company or if you wish to be able to outsource at any time.

Partnering with a supplier that can manage the entire print and design process will ensure that your brand assets, and portfolio of products, are delivered consistently.

Design is a significant value-add, and not all printers will be able to provide it. Print suppliers who can show their full capabilities and offer cost-savings for your company are the best.

STOCK CONTROL: Does your company provide analytics for inventory stock control

Stock control is not a priority if you only want to print on demand.

Re-printing existing collateral can result in significant waste if you plan to hold print assets on hand for quick distribution. If you want to avoid this, choose a supplier that offers inventory control reports and analytics.

The more quickly you can access your inventory data, the better your ability to plan your business printing costs.


Our 120-year history, nnal footprint, and per-ship approach allow us to offer cost-effectiveness, quality control, and tailor-made printing solutions that match your business’s unique needs.

We will work with you to fully understand your objectives and create a model of supply that matches. We will also explore every opportunity to standardize and streamline your print process while offering flexibility to innovate and create genuinely creative print solutions.

You will also have a dedicated account manager who will oversee the performance of your account and track all activity for accurate reporting.

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