Flyers are an essential marketing tool for most businesses. They can be used to promote events, products, or services. Finding the right place to start can take time to find the right place to start when creating flyers for your company or on behalf of clients. It’s easy to forget essential design elements if you are not an experienced flyer designer. The best flyers can convey your message quickly and exceptionally effectively by including relevant, eye-catching images and powerfully-persuasive written content that gets straight to the point. It can be challenging to balance a flyer’s written and visual content.

Visual content can improve people’s ability to get on board, no matter how convincing your words may be. Flyers that are too professional looking but need more high-quality written content may also be very off-putting. Your brochure will have excellent results if the graphics, words and images are of a high standard and use the same tone. This can help you to foster brand engagement. 

#1 – Figure out Your Message

It is essential to know what your message is to your target audience. Advertising an event, service launch offer, or product is crucial. This information is necessary before you do anything else.

Your message is important, but so is the way you phrase it. Flyers that promote a similar product or service to your competitor should convince your target audience why they should choose you. It is essential to communicate your message clearly and accurately.

Your audience’s nature will determine your message and how it is communicated. When targeting young people, vibrant and exciting words must be used to exude energy. The flyer below is an example. It uses words such as “fusion” or “jam”, but the message is clear: it’s advertising an event/party.

A more subtle approach is better if you are targeting older people with your flyer or a more sophisticated audience. While the overall tone should be more subtle or “sensible”, the words should still be persuasive.

You can look at promotional materials used by other companies that target the same audience to get an idea of what it takes to get your message across. What do you think is the best way to communicate your message? What is their way of expressing their message? What kind of language do they use?

You should also use terms such as “you” and “your”, as it makes your message more personal. This allows your audience to feel like they are being addressed directly.

#2- Simplify your Information

Whatever your chosen message, the information featured on your flyer must be simple and straight-to-the-point. The pilot should be easy to read and convey to your audience. There are better times to write long, complicated prose. Save that for brochures and other marketing materials.

It is essential to communicate your message as clearly and concisely as possible. Bullet points and brief headlines are a way to accomplish this. To keep things simple, Lovejoy’s flyer uses bullet points (who is, where, and when).

Also, make sure that your most important information is visible immediately. This could be your main message or your flagship promotion offer. Bright colors and bold/large fonts are great ways to do this (more details later).

The flyer above is an excellent example of an introductory brochure. The Forevergreen Festival flyer gives us all the details in just a few lines. It provides us with the name of this event, its purpose, duration, and the time it takes to complete.

Flyers have only a few seconds to grab attention. Therefore, your audience must understand the points you want to make immediately. This is important to remember.

#3: Use Large, High-Quality Images

Sometimes images are more powerful than text. Large photos can grab attention from far away and highlight your selling points without the need to read any content. Images that convey clearly who you are and your work can be worth the investment.

It is always a good idea to include large images when designing flyers. The images must be high quality. Professional images may be an option, but this can be costly.

The flyer below shows a great example of how large, high-quality imagery can be used. The booklet is for an outdoor party. As you can see, there is very little text content. The image does all of the work. This gives you a visual representation that is better than any words. It is also very eye-catching.

As you can see, large images can be used as focal points for your flyer. This is evident in this vibrant Japanese flyer. Your attention is drawn to the photograph in the middle.

Do not try to scale down low-resolution images to make them larger. This will only make them look grainy or pixelated. Images that are well-taken or grainy can be associated with poor quality and will not encourage potential customers to do business with them.

Some flyers are hand-disappeared to recipients. Others are left in shops and offices for people to pick up. Clear, attractive images that are easily viewed from far can encourage people to approach a flyer and find out more.

#4: Make Your Headline Large and Bold

When designing flyers, a headline that grabs attention is essential. You should carefully choose your words to ensure they make the right impact. Headlines are all about simplicity. Your message should be concise, clear, and unambiguous. Try to communicate what you want in as few words as possible.

This tactic is often used in headlines in newspapers, especially tabloid ones. These headlines are usually short and straightforward, with only a few words. They often use alliteration to convey their message in a straightforward yet concise manner.

The headline of your flyer should look newspaper-like. It should make passers-by feel interested and be unable to resist the temptation. Too many words and long headlines can confuse potential customers and weaken your message.

Another flyer from The Poetry Society with a beautiful headline. The headline is simple, bold, and straightforward. It also explains what the brochure is about. The background colors work well with the colors chosen, making them seem incredibly contrastive. It is difficult to miss the words (more on color later).

Keep in mind that flyers may compete for attention with other pilots. A long headline that is difficult to read from far away could make your brochure forgotten. It is worth taking the time to rework your headline until it is as concise, clear, persuasive, and powerful as possible.

#5: Divide Your Information into Sections/Paragraphs

While less is better when it comes down to content, there will be written information you must include in your flyer. Please provide contact information or more detail about the services mentioned in your headline.

Splitting written information into sections or paragraphs makes it easier to understand and makes it more effective. You will only read necessary or long passages of writing material. Therefore, you must decide what information should be included in your flyer. Feel free to edit.

If you choose to use a two-sided flyer for your business, you should spend most of your written content on it. This will allow you to explain your services in more in-depth. The front will have the critical points. The flyer advertising the play One Hour Eighteen Minutes is on the back. You can see that the information has been divided into sections and paragraphs. This makes it easier to understand.

Reading your information in chunks will be more accessible and ensure your main points are clearly understood. Bullet points and short lists make flyers easy to read. You can print your contact details on either one or both sides.

If someone chooses to flip your flyer, they are interested in learning more about your services. You can go into greater detail on the reverse, but keep things as simple as possible.

#6 Keep Your Typography Simple

It is essential to be savvy with typography. Choosing the right fonts can make a difference in whether your flyers are read immediately or tossed aside.

Fonts can be used to communicate certain emotions or to bring to mind associations like authority, masculinity, femininity, or youthful vibrancy. Fonts should be easy to read. Avoid complex fonts that are difficult to understand.

Designers prefer to use up to two fonts on a flyer. This is a good rule. Although it is possible to use multiple fonts on a pilot, it requires much more work to ensure they all work together.

It is also essential to use the correct font size. While we’ve discussed the importance and necessity of bold headlines, other written information must be large enough that it is easy to read. Your flyer will look neat and straightforward if you use fewer words than possible.

You can also use one font, as in the Liverpool Artfair flyer. This flyer uses different font sizes to create a hierarchy.

Remember that not all fonts you see online may look great on paper. You should be safe if you are just getting started in flyer creation. Search engines can be beneficial when finding the right font for a particular type of product or business that needs more clarification. Stick with something familiar and universally appealing.

#7: Use Color to Your Advantage

It is essential to choose a suitable color scheme for your flyer. This can affect the tone of the printed material. It is necessary to consider the nature of your business when choosing a color. Bright primary colors appeal to younger people, but older people might find them too flashy.

Choose a cream, black-and-white, or simple image with rich colors to convey sophistication and class. Consider using your logo’s colors for your color scheme or choosing complementary colors (like the Yellow flyer).

You may have images you are ready for use. If so, consider examining them closely to identify colors that match your overall flyer color scheme. It is best to pick two to three intense colors to keep things focused and simple.

Bright, vivid colors can be used to your advantage to make your flyer stand out from the crowd, as the Shop Spotlight image does.

#8: Tell the recipient to do something

Your flyer should be able to convince your customers to take a specific action. It could be taking advantage of a special deal, attending an event, or joining a program that you are running. Although it may seem obvious to instruct your clients or customers to do something, many people fail and lose business.

A “call to action” is a last request or instruction to remind the customer to follow the instructions in the flyer.

CTAs could include phrases like “Why not get in touch now?”, “Call to Find Out More” or “Sign up Now.” It is often located at the bottom of your design and will be the last contact information above the contact details.

Your call-to-actions purpose is to make sure your message gets across. Using large fonts or a bright red/bright font may give it more weight.

The above flyer for the NHS and Hull District Council is a call to action. The pilot above for the NHS and Hull District Council has a prominent call to move to the center. There’s also an additional CTA at the bottom to ensure the message gets noticed.

#9: Avoid Small Images

It is essential to consider the size of your images. Your audience shouldn’t be looking at the picture in a distorted way. It’s wise to choose only a few photos.

Many small images can also lead to confusion and clutter (as shown in the flyer). However, a few large pictures can still effectively present your services in an easy but assertive manner. You could use the images on your website or larger printed promotional materials if you have more pictures.

To encourage guests to explore further, the flyer for a Dubai restaurant has one bold image. The large, high-quality image makes it look amazing.

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