5 Major Mistakes That Beginners Should Avoid In Brochure Printing

Beginning in brochure printing is very easy. However, it is also very easy indeed to commit mistakes with it. While most of the processes in brochure printing are pretty straightforward, sometimes beginners make the wrong decisions and pick the worst choices when they develop their color brochures. In this tutorial, I will teach you about the five major mistakes that beginners should avoid in brochure printing. By reading this, I hope that you should be able to avoid all these common mistakes and make your brochure printing better without making it harder to do.

1. Printing in black and white – One of the first things that beginners consider when printing brochures is to go for printing it in black and white. If you compare the prices of full color brochure printing to the cheaper black and white kind, it is obvious that it is very tempting to opt for the considerably cheaper price. However, printing in the cheaper black and white mode is a mistake. Brochures today face tough competition and printing brochures in only black ink with a white background will only lessen its chances of success. In fact, if you look at the overall picture, printing cheaply with black and white brochures is more of a waste of money since the prints produced will hardly give you results. So you should NOT go for black and white brochure printing EVER.

2. Using unusual folds – Another common mistake that beginners should avoid when they print brochures is to use unusual folds. I know it can be tempting to try out those very exotic type folds that make a brochure memorable. However, using those folds can be risky for a beginner, and will usually backfire. Most people expect color brochures to be easily readable and if you pick a complicated fold, most will not appreciate the effort of trying to figure out how the brochure opens. So refrain from using unusual folds in brochure printing if you are a beginner. Trifold brochures are good enough at the start.

3. Doing only self-checking – It is also a common mistake for beginners to have their brochures checked only by themselves. While you can be the most meticulous person in the world when it comes to brochure design, another person’s reactions and opinions about your brochures can be crucial for the print’s development. Getting that different prospective can shed light on errors and weaknesses in the color brochure that the author might have missed. That is why it is good to have others check your brochure drafts for you so that they can catch the ones that your own author’s bias might have overlooked. So as you can see, it is actually important to do more than just checking your brochures yourself.

4. Using your own home printer – Many beginners think that with a good printer at home or even at the office, they are already all set for brochure printing. While there are some great commercial printers out there that can produce publisher quality brochures, the cost and the time involved in mass production of color brochures can be more than one person and project to bear. It is typically better, cheaper and faster to outsource brochure printing towards a professional printer. You can find lots of those online today and they have the skills and equipment to print your color brochures in the most professional manner. So try to not rely too much on your home printer, as there are better and cheaper options out there for your brochure prints.

5. Using cheap materials – Finally, one big mistake that many beginners commit in brochure printing is choosing the cheap materials. Most of those beginners think that it is okay to use the cheaper materials in brochure printing since those brochures are just small prints anyway. However, they miss the fact that better materials help those brochures attract and convince more people. In fact, the better the brochure materials, the more results one can get in brochure marketing. That is why it is a big mistake to cheapen your brochure printing options. You should spend as much as you can on them for the best possible results. Now you have your ticket to better brochure printing without mistakes. Just take note of all the items above and it should be easy to avoid those major mistakes in printing brochures.

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