Dress up your annual report

Annual reports don’t have a good look. There’s no reason why they can’t be informative and visually appealing. This can create interest and increase confidence in your organization. How to make your annual report appealing to readers.

The Cover: A great first impression

The front cover is one of the most crucial elements in your annual report. Despite what some people may say, it’s easy to judge books by their covers. A significant body can set the tone of what your readers can expect inside. You want them to get excited.

You can sing the front cover by:

Use visuals such as a relevant picture

Use your brand colors whenever possible

Designing a layout that is appealing to your readership

Start with the basics

Your annual report can be used as a marketing tool, whether presented externally to your employees, stakeholders, or both. This is an excellent opportunity to highlight your organization’s professionalism and achievements. Sticking to your style guidelines will help you communicate this message. Don’t forget:

The Right Fonts

Headings, subheadings, and clear Paragraphs

Proper bullet points that highlight essential items

You can tell by your voice tone, for example. Is it serious or lighthearted?

Consistency throughout the entire report

Use captivating graphics

A report’s sheer text volume can make it appear heavy and challenging to read. This can make the contents of your information seem heavy and difficult to digest. It is essential to break up the text by using graphics. This will help the reader feel more comfortable with the task of reading the annual report.

These graphics can include:

Colorful graphs that highlight important information

Photos of your staff to add a human touch to the financials

Create artwork that compliments your data and brand

Informational infographics that focus the attention of your readers

White space: Less is more

It’s essential to know how to balance the amount of information in an annual report with the need to allow a page to breathe. White space is critical in design because it will give your page some breathing room. These blank spaces in your document will help to draw the viewer’s eye and absorb large amounts of data. You can create white space by:

Use wide margins

Leave unnecessary borders and other decorations off your page

A thick, white frame surrounds each element

Reduce the amount of text per page

A well-designed annual report does more than share financial information. It connects your audience to your organization and keeps them interested in your message.

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